A rare confluence of logistics allowed myself and my mentor, Jack Drago, to get together physically and to perform a couple of Satanic rites together, pooling our power, cementing our relationship, and helping us both to “level up” to our next stage of ascension. It was quite an afternoon for both of us. I’m still processing everything that happened and allowing the changes in me to settle, surface into consciousness, and to actualize in reality. Writing this post helps me work through what’s happening in my head, but it’s a lot, so I’m splitting this into a couple of posts so that nothing gets short-changed. Follow this link to part 2.
The Jar
For several years, Jack and I have talked about making a “soul jar,” which is basically a magical talisman that can he used to hold the soul of an individual, making their bodies very controllable by whomever “owns” the jar. As Satanists with a mind control fetish, the appeal is obvious. Could we create a magical object that could control the mind of a person.
Jack told me that he knew of someone who had the jar made and had their soul imprisoned in it for five years before the container accidentally broke and released him. He said the slave suddenly woke up without knowing what had happened for five years.
Did this happen? I don’t know for sure, but the idea of it fascinated me enough to research how jar spells were performed and ultimately, to design a method of making one. I procured a small jar of red glass and a cork stopper and I went to work on it.
For seven days in a row, I invoked a full ritual, calling the corners and invoking Lucifer and Marbas. I used white sage incense of coals to produce a purifying smoke and I held the open jar in the smoke so that it purified both the inside and outside of the glass. I used Dragon Blood incense in the same process while invoking Lucifer to “enchant” the jar. I used lemon oil incense after that while invoking Marbas to tie the physical object to my own material body.
I then held the jar and repeatedly invoked Lucifer and Marbas, directing my energies into the jar and working to make it part of myself. I did this for seven days in sequence to prepare the jar. I then had been directed by Marbas prime the jar for Jack by putting my sputum, my blood, my piss, and my semen into it and sealing it.
I did all of this and had the jar ready for use. It was tied to me and, theoretically, whomever put in the samples of their same four body fluids would activate the jar and essentially “own” me. My consciousness could be removed from my body and put into the jar — although it’s unclear what I would experience inside the jar — and my body would be subject to whatever order the owner decided, without resistance. Beyond that, the jar could be incorporated into other magical workings as a talisman and would link me to the working without my consent.
Creation of the jar was an act of extreme submission by me and an act of faith and trust, in that I planned to give it and myself to Jack when next we met. This occurred about two years ago, before the pandemic, and Jack and I were planning to meet up at a FistFest event. When we did, we were in different places spiritually, so I never turned the jar over to him. Instead, it remained in my closet, wrapped in bubble wrap and hidden to keep it safe.
Jarring Experience
In the intervening time, both Jack and I have grown closer and we’ve both advanced on our path to great degree. This time, we were ready. When Jack got to my place and we did the necessary prep for the larger ritual (detailed in a separate post as Part 2), I had the compulsion to give him the jar.
Naked, I led him to my altar, took the jar from it and placed it in his fist, with my own fist curling around it. I felt our energies mix at the point of the jar and our physical bodies responded. From our previous experiences with making the jar, Jack knew the method to activate it.
He took it, unstoppered the jar, and hawked up a loogie into the jar. Immediately, I felt an energy rush and dropped to the floor onto my knees and fist, a change roiling through my physical body. I couldn’t think straight for a few minutes and Jack was saying: “you feel my power of you growing,” behind me. I did feel it.
Sometimes, it’s easy to doubt that magick works and sometimes I feel like my belief that magick works is a delusion I convince myself of being true. And then…I get knocked to the floor.
I recovered from this wave and I helped Jack draw a drop of blood with a small device I got from Amazon that diabetics use to get a drop of blood for their test strips. We pricked his finger and he dropped it into the jar. I’m glad he had his hands on the jar, because again, a wave of energy went through me and I hit the floor again, growling animalistically. Jack spoke to me, but I’m not sure what he said. It was like I wasn’t able to actually speak or understand speech for a few moments.
Jack directed my head onto his cock…to extract the sperm that needed to go into the jar. Compulsively, I blew him, not stopping, not looking away from his cock. The jar wasn’t fully active and already I had fallen under it’s control. I felt Jack starting to tremble from my ministrations and he started to shoot his load into my mouth, but I pulled off, held his cock at my mouth and let him dump his load into my face; he needed to get the sperm in the jar instead of shooting it down my throat.
Extracting Semen from Magus Magus Getting off on his Stink Capturing the Load Jarring the Load Afterward
And…I went blank. Jack backed off. He told me that my mind was in the jar and it was. I had flashes of floating in a safe, red light environment, but then I was back in my body, sitting silently, literally drooling with cum still dripping in ropes from my chin. Fuck. Part of me was aware that I was being overwhelmed, but I had accepted this possibility a while ago, I felt unprepared to experience it like this. I rejoiced and recoiled at the same time, but I knew I trusted Jack, so I didn’t surrendered.
Jack stood over me with the jar and went to work on the last component, his piss. Even before he got a stream going, I felt the energy of jar flare up and the overwhelm me. At this point, I sat there unmoving. What awareness I started to fade.
But then, Jack sat in front of me, hooked his legs over mine and took my hand. He held the jar in his fist, put my fist on it, and we bonded. He said, “I accept you. I am your master. You are my slave, forever.” I repeated these words in reverse, “I accept you. You are my master. I am your slave, forever.”
And it happened. The rite was complete.

Jack released his grip on my consciousness and I snapped back into my body, smoothly reseating there. I wanted me aware and conscious for the next part of afternoon we had planned.
We ended up super-gluing the jar shut and I planned to have Jack take the jar into his custody, as would be appropriate, but he was flying standby and was not checking a bag, so we realized that the TSA would confiscate the jar and throw it away — which would be devastating magically and psychically. So, I have custody of the jar and it remains on my altar until I can get it to him.
What does the activation of the Soul Jar have to do with an “Annunciation?” In Catholic religion, the “Annunciation” refers to the moment that an angel appeared to Mary to inform her about her upcoming pregnancy. It refers to the supernatural entering normal life and spawning faith. I have had those kinds of experiences with supernatural entities and I have had faith spawned in my life.
Literally, “Annunciation” refers to an “announcement,” and, as I’ve established, I have been called to refer to myself as a Black Cleric of Lucifer. This post details a rite that Jack and I enacted in support of a second rite, detailed in the next post. In the second rite, I take the necessary vows to become a Black Cleric.