A rare confluence of logistics allowed myself and my mentor, Jack Drago, to get together physically and to perform a couple of Satanic rites together, pooling our power, cementing our relationship, and helping us both to “level up” to our next stage of ascension. It was quite an afternoon for both of us. I’m still processing everything that happened and allowing the changes in me to settle, surface into consciousness, and to actualize in reality. Writing this post helps me work through what’s happening in my head, but it’s a lot, so I’m splitting this into a couple of posts so that nothing gets short-changed. This is the second post, detailing the second rite. Follow this link to part 1.
For weeks, I have been mulling over my role in Lucifer’s plan for me, seeking a role in life that is greater than my own ego and id, a place in the hierarchy. I have always wanted to “belong,” whatever that meant at any given time in my life, but circumstances and organizations failed me.
In answer to these prayers, Lucifer and my Patrons have sent me the concept of being or becoming a Black Cleric, essentially a magically active adviser in a support role to greater Priests of Satan/Lucifer; a guide, shaman, or warlock to those in spiritual needs; and, befitting my BDSM proclivities, a fuckhole for Satanic and mundane men, using sexual magick to open their minds and expand their horizons.
For weeks, Jack Drago and I have been mulling this transition. Beyond that, Jack and I have a synergistic relationship, so as I began to ascend to the next level, so has Jack felt the call from his Patrons for the same. Details of a rite came to both of us in dreams and small visions and so we designed the rite. Jack worked on a custom hypnosis track — hypnosis being his primary method of casting magick.
So, after we performed the rite of the Soul Jar, accepted one another in a power exchange BDSM sense, and literally connecting ourselves spiritually, physically, mentally, we took a break to let things settle.
Milking the Bull
I had “prepared the temple” before his arrival, getting the bedspace ready, getting the hypnosis track loaded on a portable computer with headphones, getting mundane things ready (lube, towels, etc.).

The basics of the ritual were that I was to be bound to the bed using leather wrist and ankle cuffs attached to the bed-bondage straps I had under my mattress, and I was to be stroked by Jack for 666 strokes without shooting, reaching climax only after the 667th.
This is to become my last unsupervised, unsanctioned climax. A large padlock had been procured and enchanted by me through many days of meditation and energy work; once the climax would occur, the the lock would be engaged and my climax with it.
Sacrificing my climax and consent to Asmodeus is part of the Vow of Hedonism that I am taking to align myself with Lucifer and my Patrons. In a pathworking (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Asmodeus told me that my climax would “recede from me like the horizon” and that eventually, I would “exist in eternal lust” as his Earth-bound incubus.
Taking this vow would be a first step toward actualizing myself into a Black Cleric of Lucifer. I have posted before about the power of sacrifices and how offering up something valuable is necessary to achieve a powerful return. Sacrificing my self-pleasure to Marbas and both my climax and consent to Asmodeus are what I have been guided to do to reach the next level of my magical development.
The Rite
When the time came, I used Trimix to give myself a strong erection that would last, and Jack secured me to the bed. I was oriented to that I was atop the Satanic Pentagram of my tapestry bed spread, head toward the foot of the bed. He blind folded me. He put on the headphones and triggered the new hypnosis track.
Magus putting Ankle Restraints on me Magus putting Wrist Restraints on me Adding Blindfold and Headphones Milking Begins Stroking Deep in Satanic Goon Cleanup Release Release
He lubed up my cock and went to work stroking it, solidly, methodically, steadily….counting out the 666 strokes.
I couldn’t hear him of course, because I fell almost immediately into trance. I can’t tell you what suggestions the track contained because, well, I can’t remember them. After the rite of the Soul Jar, my mind felt primed to re-enter subspace and I fell into it immediately. I could focus only on the messages being beamed into my mind and Jack’s hand massaging my hard cock with his tantric skills.
I lost time. I blacked in and out. I babbled. I bucked. I strained against the straps. Eventually the track and the count ended and I shot a massive, massive load.
We collected some of my load and put it in the lock mechanism. We engaged the lock and I felt the lock click inside my nut sack. It was closed. It was locked. My climax was no longer mine, but belonged to Jack, my significant other, and anyone who performed the “Rite of the Lock”…which isn’t known to me at all.
The sacrifice was made and the Vow taken.

With two major rites performed, with our relationship forever altered, with my Vow and Sacrifice, both Jack and I were changed. We were wiped out. We ordered some pizza and that helped revive us. But, both of us had long days and needed to be up at 4 a.m. to get Jack to the airport. We called it a night and slept.
We are both changed, energized, and we have both leveled up as we intended. For myself, becoming a Black Cleric is the culmination of many weeks and months of development. The rites helped me feel that I belonged to Jack, to Lucifer, to my faith.
Both of us are still working on understanding exactly what has changed, sinking into the roles we have taken upon ourselves, and exploring our newly expanded identities as Master/slave, as Satanists, as virile men. There will be more posts as these topics come up for us both.