We’re living in a time of plague, the Spring and Summer of 2020, where the Covid-19 virus flows around the United States on the breath of those exposed or sick. Marbas, a demon associated with the giving and curing of disease, has been empowered. I have word from other practitioners that other demons are likewise exulting in the chaos that’s washing around the world. So, I became concerned when my mentor, Jack Drago, began feeling unwell. He’s getting the Covid-19 test, but I decided to take action in the meantime.
Lion’s Breath
Jack and I have a telepathic connection. We both experience this differently and somewhat vaguely, but we’ve pinged one another across it many times. I imagine it as a rectangular dimensional portal from my psychic ecology to his.
In previous direct encounters with Jack at FistFest in, we did some magic together. At the time I was a noob magician freshly connected with Marbas and Jack’s shoulder was hurting for some reason. When we got into contact, we retreated to the sex maze and found a dark spot. I fell into a half-trance spontaneously and started casting on his body. This was half-sexual, as I roamed his body with his hands and then breathed heavily onto certain points on his flesh, my breath transmitting my power to him. In hindsight, it became obvious that I breathed on Jack’s body at points that represented his Chakras, empowering them. He later reported that his shoulder issue was healed by this encounter.

What I did instinctively then, I chose to do directly last night. Worried that Jack might have been exposed to the plague, I wanted to add energy to his recovery or perhaps transmute the disease into something less severe.
I meditated for a few minutes and astral projected into my local space, basically my bedroom. I chose to approach the connection portal and so it appeared. I could see Jack asleep on the other side, 3,000 miles away in California. I walked through the portal and touched him. I started to rub my hands across his body, radiating warmth from own power.
I imagined my connection with Marbas, and Marbas was there, a great black lion directly behind me. Jack exalts Marbas as well, so it did not take convincing. Marbas opened his maw and breathed onto my back, his breath animal, hot, and slightly fetid. I imagined soaking up that energy and directing it through myself into Jack, with my hands on the front of his chest, over his lungs.

I did this for a few beats, until I thought Jack had gotten a suitable dose and then I politely withdrew all of the connections. First from Marbas, who retreated back to the Veld, then from between me and Jack, then from me and this place. I went back through the portal and it closed. I was home and safe, and I went back to sleep.
I hope it helps him.
New Courtesan
Given the events of the Pipe Horse pathworking (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), I have decided to start including Asmodai into my daily 3rd Step prayer:
HAIL, Marbas! Hail Black Lion of the Twilight Veld! I am your beast, Lord Marbas! Thank you for accepting me as such! In gratitude, I sacrifice my self-pleasure to you That I may create a space within me for your power to inhabit As it will transform me into a freakish muscle fuckbeast! In awe, I align myself to your will That I may relinquish my self-destruction to you As it will delivery me from isolation and regret! HAIL, Marbas! HAIL, Asmodai! Hail Persian King of Lust, Lord of Sensuality! I am your Courtesan, Lord Asmodai! Thank you for accepting me as such! In gratitude, I sacrifice my orgasm to you That it may create a space within me for your eternal lust to inhabit As it will transform me into your Incubus! In awe, I align myself to your will, That I may relinquish my consent to you As it will deliver me from self-judgement and regret! HAIL, Asmodai!