This week’s political events, the failed “Duck Dynasty Rebellion” at the United States Capital, got me thinking about freedom of thought, insurrection, and rebellion as it pertains to Luciferian philosophy.
Content regarding religion, spirituality, worship, etc.
This week’s political events, the failed “Duck Dynasty Rebellion” at the United States Capital, got me thinking about freedom of thought, insurrection, and rebellion as it pertains to Luciferian philosophy.
Over the last week, the Winter Solstice occurred, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurred, and the Christmas Holiday season came and went. As my faith in Luciferianism has grown, I have felt at greater and greater odds with traditional holidays, especially those that are based on the RHP Jehovan faiths. This leads to a … read more
My chosen role as a Black Cleric of Lucifer requires that I act to minister to those followers of Lucifer and the LHP. My aspirant from a previous post, Lucifer’s Choices, has requested my advice on more questions regarding his faith, this time asking if the entity he has been contacting is indeed, Baphomet, and … read more
My psyche hold several different personas, each representing an aspect of my personality, or a role used in my day-to-day activities. Recently, I leveled up with my Annunciation (Part 1, Part 2) into becoming a Black Cleric of Lucifer. Inevitably, this has changed the balance of my system somewhat. I’ve found that Cal, the persona … read more
As a Theistic Luciferian, I aspire to the qualities of Lucifer. At its most basic interpretation, Lucifer brought knowledge to humanity and allowed them to choose to use it. As His Black Cleric, I view my role as an advisor to those seeking to walk the Left-Hand Path (LHP) and to use my magical skills … read more
I had the idea of using a milking machine on my cock to enhance Jack Drago’s hypnosis tracks, since some of them reference being milked as part of the technique. But, I wanted to consult my Patrons before I did it, so as not to accidentally break our pacts.
A rare confluence of logistics allowed myself and my mentor, Jack Drago, to get together physically and to perform a couple of Satanic rites together, pooling our power, cementing our relationship, and helping us both to “level up” to our next stage of ascension. It was quite an afternoon for both of us. I’m still … read more
A rare confluence of logistics allowed myself and my mentor, Jack Drago, to get together physically and to perform a couple of Satanic rites together, pooling our power, cementing our relationship, and helping us both to “level up” to our next stage of ascension. It was quite an afternoon for both of us. I’m still … read more
As magical practitioners, how we conceive of our magick, how we conceive of the results, and how we define ourselves matters greatly to the outcome of our workings. Our magick is meant to be an expression of our individual will over reality, but what happens when none of the definitions you’re presented with fit you? … read more
Back before the pandemic, a mage posted an open offer on a forum I frequent to give away a “Legion of Spirits” of a type he allowed users to specify. He would then work rituals to summon and bind the legion to a sigil, and turn them over to whomever asked to take command of … read more