Over the last week, the Winter Solstice occurred, the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn occurred, and the Christmas Holiday season came and went. As my faith in Luciferianism has grown, I have felt at greater and greater odds with traditional holidays, especially those that are based on the RHP Jehovan faiths. This leads to a feeling of disconnection and aimlessness that I find hard to shake. During these times, I try to keep conscious of the magical reality we all live within and the signs and signals it brings me. Often, finding connections between unrelated events can help weave a tapestry of faith.
The Orrery
When I astral project, I go places; I quest for spiritual meaning in environments that lay out before my mind’s eye, taking on different spiritual representations based on the quest itself. I’ve done this for many years, before I even realized what I was doing. When I connect with Marbas, I enter a great, open veld that is perpetually in twilight, with a very active, over-arching sky. There are huge rock formations that resemble Uluru and patches of tall trees. When I connect with Asmodeus, I travel to his palace pleasure-dome, where packs of men are constantly fucking.
Usually, when I attempt to enter the Astral plane, I go first to a twilight woods that I reach through a cave in my subconscious space. Through the woods, there are many paths to many places, but I have a temple in the woods. Large, Stonehenge-like menhirs form a circle, with an arc of seven, each adorned by the sigil from one of my demonic patrons. There’s an altar, of course, for practicing magick. At the base of each menhirs is a passage that leads to the environment of the Partron, so that’s how I travel to the Twilight Veld or Asmodeus’ Palace.
Recently, quite unexpectedly, I found myself in a new environment. It was very dark and presented as a walkway out into an infinite, dark space. At the end of the walkway, a circular platform with benches curved around a central font. Four elaborate statues in the shape of horned animal heads formed the base of the font: a ram, a goat, a bull, and a stag. In the font, a bright yellow flame burned like a torch without an visible fuel or source.
Instinctively, I knew this to be my environment for Lucifer. The vision didn’t last very long and no interaction with any spirits or demons took place. I simply found myself there and later, simply found myself back to my home environment. This felt like a soft-landed introduction. Since the first vision, I have deliberately travelled to the same place again, so I know it’s stabilizing.
Also, shortly after having this experience, I received a statement from Lucifer or one of his minions: “RHP has programmed you to equate humility with being a doormat. Humility is acceptane. Who are you to place your ego and id as greater than the facts. If you are powerful, BE powerful.”
I wasn’t sure to what this message was a response. I had no memory of interacting with any spirit and thus, had no memory of asking any questions or for advice. Yet, the message resonated with me.
Too often, “humility” means to us that we should lessen or diminish ourselves below the station we currently occupy. But, I see the point of the message. Facts and truth are objective and it’s silly to diminish ourselves from below the facts of our reality. If we are strong, we should simply be strong.
Think For Yourself
After days of mulling the message, I realized what had prompted it. As a Black Cleric, I have interacted with aspirants who seek advice on walking the LHP and coming closer to Satanism. One such aspirant and I had talked many time over the course of weeks and recently, our interaction revealed his situation.
This aspirant has struggled with drug addiction, struggled with some toxic hypnosis and some probable magickal attacks from a dangerous Satanic Priest. This aspirant and I have a good connection and have talked on and off for weeks. He’s struggling primarily with his addiction, going through detox and the paranoia that accompanies it, and experiencing hyper-sexuality as he aligned with Lucifer and had his virility enhanced.
Throughout our many conversations, I encouraged him to stay off the narcotics and to cut ties with the dangerous Satanic Priest. I felt he needed to get stable on his own and encouraged him do what Lucifer would want: make his own choice free of influence of others (or, as free as possible).
Hearing about the dangerous Satanic Priest, it was hardly the first time that I’ve heard of them in general, and this one in particular. I was struck again at the range of Satanic practices. While I don’t claim to know this particular Satanic Priest’s mind, I know that he has expressed that he is “evil” and that his toxic hypnosis convinces others of their evil natures, yet all this talk of “evil” is rooted in the RHP viewpoint.
When we, as Satanists, simply invert the moral teachings of the RHP faiths, we miss the best teaching of Lucifer: Think For Yourself. When we buy into the definitions of what the RHP calls evil, we are simply adhering to their teachings still. When my aspirant considers his lust as somehow perverted and evil, he’s buying into the sexual paranoia of the RHP. When he has dark fantasies, he judges himself no less than an RHP priest might.
When I counseled him to be think for himself and assured him that he was stronger than the toxicity spewed into his brain by the Satanic Priest, I echoed the message that Lucifer had given me in my vision, only I hadn’t yet had the vision. Maybe the advice coalesced into the vision and clarified it.
My advice to all aspirants who might read this is simple: be careful whom or what you let into your brain. Know the hypnotists before you let them in. Break with them if something too challenging happens. There are those out there that would destroy your life because they can, because they’re playing out the anti-RHP roles they have chosen to play out.
Light in the Dark
On the morning of the Solstice, I awoke pretty early, about 4 a.m. The night before, my Magus had requested that I perform a prayer for the Solstice and to help him “light his candle.” So, I got up and at 5 a.m., about the time of the astronomical solstice point, I went out to my balcony, lit a candle, and recorded this message.
Symbolically, the Winter Solstice is very Luciferian. In the longest night of the year, candles and light sources are ignited to keep out the dark, to push it back. In RHP mythology, Lucifer in his MorningStar aspect, does exactly that, bringing the symbolic flame of knowledge to the mankind and pushing back the darkness of their ignorance.

Even so, there’s enough RHP drama surrounding the holiday to somewhat sour it for me. Maybe it’s against my own advice and I’m buying into the RHP philosophies too much, but the programming remains difficult to break. This time of year swirls with a cultural explosion that frankly, overwhelms.
Even so, there’s enough RHP drama surrounding the holiday to somewhat sour it for me. Maybe it’s against my own advice and I’m buying into the RHP philosophies too much, but the programming remains difficult to break. This time of year swirls with a cultural explosion that frankly, overwhelms.