Yesterday, I had the privilege of video chatting with Jack Drago, my mentor and Satanic Priest, to go over my defect inventory as part of my Step 5. While much of that conversation was private, I believe my post on the Step 4 inventory goes over much of my part of it. Because I’m documenting my progress through the steps in this blog, I wanted to check in that the Step 5 occurred. Also, I have had more snippets of activity on the astral plane while my being is “stuck” in the Palace of Asmodai, awaiting whatever ministrations he has in store; I wanted to document those as well, even if they are just snippets.

Being Prepared
When I have these snippets, they come to me with the quality of dreams. Am I astral projected or just dreaming? I’m not sure of the difference or if it matters. Suffice to say, the narrative is continued, so I tend to believe this is astral projection and that these events are happening to my astral self, rather than it just being a random dream. Too much is consistent between instances for this to be just a dream.
In the snippet, I was still bound onto the pipe horse in a comfortable way. There was no pain. The way the pipes bound my various joints left some wriggle room, but there was no way to extricate my wrists, knees, ankles, elbows, neck, etc. from the pipes that surrounded them. I could reach and shift, but never escape.
Minions of Asmodai — the random men courtiers from the throne room — attended me. They very carefully and sensually applied some kind of oil to my body, rubbing it into my skin. I got a full body coating.
One of them attended to my hanging cock. He positioned himself inside the pipe apparatus, under me, and would stimulate my cock to full hardness, using the oil as lube. The minute my cock throbbed or jumped of its own accord, he would stop. He would wait until it got soft. Then he would stimulate it to hardness again. This kept going on non-stop for hours, days, or whatever time interval happens on the astral. It was constant, up and down, hard and soft, never approaching orgasm or ejaculation of any kind. I tend not to leak, so I doubted I emitted any pre-cum, but honestly, with the oil and from my vantage, I couldn’t tell.
Sometime later, Asmodai himself came into the room and the men backed away. Up until this point, I was just in my normal human, naked form. But when Asmodai entered, he came up to my exposed ass and ran his thumb over my hole, using the oil as lube. He did not penetrate it, just drew circles around it.
I shuddered and shifted into my astral bull form — a form that was usually reserved for my visits to Marbas’ Twilight Veld space. I have never exhibited this form anywhere else, so it was significant.
I was still bound in the pipe horse, in the same position, but my body became thicker and more muscular, my skin turned a deep crimson, and I was covered in the cream-colored body hair of that form. My face turned into a half-muzzle, with big floppy ears, the iron “71” tag on the right one, and my two sets of horns. I shuddered and lowed deeply as the change happened. I hadn’t expected this was possible. I don’t know what implications there are, given this form was given to me by Marbas, for Marbas.

Most noteable however, was that my cock was not locked in the iron chastity device. It hung heavy and low, a tubular bull’s cock with a ring mid-way down the shaft, and massive red balls thumping against the slick erection.
I’m not sure what’s next…but I’ll keep documenting as events take place.