I had the idea of using a milking machine on my cock to enhance Jack Drago’s hypnosis tracks, since some of them reference being milked as part of the technique. But, I wanted to consult my Patrons before I did it, so as not to accidentally break our pacts.
The Idea
My orgasm has been locked mystically and I have taken a vow of hedonism that involves no self-pleasure (so I can focus on the needs of other men in humility) and the surrender of my climax and consent (so that I can live in the Lust of Asmodeus eternally). Yet, many of Jack Drago’s hypnosis tracks involve being ritually milked as part of the process of brainwashing. I want these tracks to be of maximum effect and I have a milking machine, so the idea came to me to use the machine at a very low setting, avoiding anything close to an orgasm, to simulate Jack’s hands on my cock, milking me.
Yet, I have taken a vow of NoFap, avoiding self-pleasure, to exalt Marbas. There have been ideas floated in my head from various sources that for ritual purposes, stimulation of my cock would be allowed. Having once relapsed on my pledge to NoFap and having endured a magical backlash for doing it, I wanted to consult with Marbas to gain his opinion of the milk machine.
As I’ve said before in this blog, my principle divination practice is through the Tarot. I have over twenty different decks of different styles of art and adhering to different magical system sensibilities, but the one I am using presently is the Sabbath Tarot Deck. Check out the link and their site; if you’re a Satanist or a Witch, I can’t suggest their cards enough. They’re gorgeous!
The Reading
The basic question would be: would using the milk machine violate my vow against self-pleasure with Marbas?
To perform the reading, I randomized the cards by shuffling, turning them, cutting the deck many times while I invoked Lucifer with his enn to request his aid in this sorcery.
I invoked Raum with his enn given his association with prophecy and asked him to guide the reading to reveal the truth.
I invoked Marbas last with his enn because it was Marbas’ opinion that, for this question, mattered most. I asked him the question and then turned the cards.
Question 1: What is Marbas’ opinion on ritual self-milking?
Card Drawn: II High Priestess Reversed > The High Priestess signifies the divine feminine, the intuition that bridges the material and the supernatural, spiritual powers of the universe. Reversed, this card signifies an abrogation of the same, a turning away from your intuition and a severing of your connection with the spiritual world. You give into your own false intuition and delusions, proceed with an emotional arrogance, and this leads to bereftness.
Question 2: What would be the outcome of ritual self-milking?
Card Drawn: XVII The Star > Representing pure cosmic force, the Star offers hope, inspiration, and health. You are tested, but you have the strength to endure and thrive. This signifies a period of healing and self-realization.

Question 3: What is the outcome of avoiding ritual self-milking?
Card Drawn: IV The Witch King > The pinnacle of male virility and paternal energy, the Witch King signifies the expression of leadership that others respect. It signifies a man who others seek out to help solve their problems and the attainment of deserved status. It favors aggression and the taking of strategic action if it’s warranted. It signifies a connection to the divine so realized that results can be attained simply by speaking your will.

Closing out the ritual, I thanks my Patrons for their presence and released them to go about their business in the Universe.
The Interpretation
Marbas says “no.”
Perhaps this is simplistic, but doing the milking would result in a severance of my connection with Marbas (II High Priestess, Reversed), probably temporary, but definitely palpable. Having just come off a period of punishment with Marbas, I am not interested in repeating any offence toward him. Beyond that, the magical consequence of the last breath of the pact took a week to pass; I’ve been given messages that repeated offenses would cause punishment of greater severity and longer duration.
Yet, it’s interesting that, should I engage in the practice anyhow, that some benefit would be gained (XVII The Star). But, this benefit would seem to be grounded in my personal power, for personal purposes, and would not benefit the larger Satanic community and/or would not exalt my patrons. It would be selfish, but yield self-centered benefit. Given my new role as a Black Cleric of Lucifer, one directed toward humble service to Satanic men, this does not seem appropriate. It smacks more of being a Black Magician, rather than a Black Cleric.
And, alternately, keeping my pact with Marbas in a strict sense, avoiding self-pleasure in an)y form, would help me toward my goals as a Black Cleric (IV The Witch King). Given all of the concepts wrapped up in becoming a Black Cleric — service to the Satanic community, an increase in masculine attributes and virility, becoming a guide or advisor to Satanic and mundane men — abstaining from the milking machine would lead toward these goals.
So, ultimately, this is a clear, powerful answer to the question at hand. No milk machine for me!