Back before the pandemic, a mage posted an open offer on a forum I frequent to give away a “Legion of Spirits” of a type he allowed users to specify. He would then work rituals to summon and bind the legion to a sigil, and turn them over to whomever asked to take command of them. It took a minute, but he sent me the sigil and soon after, they showed up around my bed.
The Shadow Herd
When I ran across the post on the Become a Living God forum, I wasn’t sure what to believe about it. I hadn’t heard of the ability to summon and bind a legion of spirits for a given person to command, but I am still learning about Black Magic; I took the offer with a grain of salt, but contacted the magician and requested a legion of “satyrs, minotaurs, centaurs, and other human-animal hybrids commonly associated with male virility to help me with my body-building goals and sexing.”
The magician, Qayos, is a self-described Chaos Shaman for hire and had a lot of posts on the forum, so I took him at his word. His offer got massive success; it seemed like most of the forum took him up on his offer to provide legions of spiritual servitors to command. So, I knew there would be serious backlog on actually getting the legion I requested. No worries though; I wasn’t in a hurry.
Then the world dropped out from under everyone, with the Covid-19 lock downs, the Summer of protests and riots, all of the Republican political fuckery, etc. It took from February to September for Qayos to get around to sending the legion he’d summoned and created for me, so it was a pleasant surprise when it happened.
He sent me a brief description, the name of the legion, and a sigil that could be used to command them in ritual work.
Numbering at 372,356, I have quite a lot of servitors and their energy around me now. When I received the sigil, I worked with it at my altar to make contact with the legion and ask for a spokesman. I wanted to take command of the spirits through their herd hierarchy. I had no idea what exactly to expect or how they would present themselves.
That night, they arrived. In the middle of the night, amid my bedroom and larger, my apartment as a whole, I had the perception of shadowy beings moving. They were literally black skinned, like dripping in shadow, and had the bodies of massively body-built men, with boulder shoulders, pec shelves, roid guts. But their heads were all uniformly horned animals. I saw a stag-man and a moose-man walking around my apartment, as if circling.
Given the size of the legion, I knew that, astrally, there was a huge volume of them circling my local astral area, only some of them were intersecting into what is my apartment and bedroom. They would walk in and walk out, replaced by another of their ilk.
One approached the foot of my bed. He was a minor anomaly among his brethren, in that his head was that of a horse skull with demonic horns; different from the other spirits who were fleshed-headed and of species that sported horns naturally.
Horse-skull did not speak to me, but he approached the foot of my bed an touched me. He had the body and build of a huge, body-built man. His skin was shadow black and the only light was the creeping blue light from my alarm clock and charging devices, and from the small flames that lit up his eye sockets. He touched my leg with his giant, meaty hands, and turned me over onto my belly.
He slapped his massive horse-shaped cock into the crack of my ass, a minor display of dominance. I ordered him to enhance my virility and he did so my slowly sliding his massive cock into my hole. It took him almost no time to shoot and I felt the flaming, sticky load on the inside of my own sack.
The next night, I had more contact with Horse-skull and saw the legion circling again, but soon after that second visit, I had my relapse and, well, got utterly distracted recovering from that to do magick.
I have cleaned up the original sigil drawing that Qayos made for me using CorelDraw and have the intent on making some items with it either a tapestry or just being able to print out clean versions on paper to use in ritual.
1Original Sigils from Qayos Cleaned up Sigil